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销售的核心是客户线索,每个客户都是个活生生的人,而每个人在网络上都有自己的社交 ID,因此 SCRM 的本质,就是在传统 CRM 的基础上,增加围绕客户的社交 ID 进行客户管理和客户运营的能力皇冠信用网是什么意思。
比如微信、微博、小红书、抖音、快手、淘宝等渠道都可以整合进 SCRM 系统内,逐步实现实现客户管理全渠道整合,包括信息采集、客户触达&互动、客户服务等皇冠信用网是什么意思。
SCRM是什么意思?虽然 SCRM 概念早有流行,但一个新概念从提出到被市场接受都要经历一个完整的发展周期,Social CRM 算是我们中国首创了,维基百科还没有收录,但百度百科却从 2012 年就建立了词条,至今更新迭代 37 次,在谷歌上搜「SCRM」关键词,结果页全都是中文网页皇冠信用网是什么意思。
常见的SCRM是什么?现在市场上我们能看到的 SCRM 基本都是「企业微信」+「企业微信的开放能力」+「CRM 的基础能力」,少有例外皇冠信用网是什么意思。
而且企业微信本身,天然就是一个 SCRM皇冠信用网是什么意思。企业微信的联系我(客户拓展)、通讯录(客户池)、客户标签(客户画像)、群发助手(营销工具)、客户朋友圈(客户互动&品牌宣传)、客户继承(客户分配),等等这些官方能力,不就是 CRM 系统所做的事情吗?
传统 CRM 的单向触达方式,如电话、短信、邮件等,都比不上微信好友这种双边关系和免费、随时的自由触达方式皇冠信用网是什么意思。
国内真正把 SCRM 落地的解决方案,也是由企业微信带起来的,在<从中小创业者的角度聊聊流量这件事>一文中,分析了电商行业的流量现状,引申出电商品牌对「私域流量」运营解决方案的迫切渴求程度,以及个人微信和企业微信之间的差别,从而判断出基于企业微信的 SCRM 市场将迎来广阔发展空间皇冠信用网是什么意思。
What is SCRM? What does SCRM mean?
What is SCRM? SCRM has more S than CRM, and this S stands for Social networking.
The core of sales is customer leads, every customer is a living person, and everyone has their own social ID on the network, so the essence of SCRM is to increase the ability to conduct customer management and customer operation around the customer's social ID on the basis of traditional CRM.
For example, wechat, Weibo, XiaoHongshu, Douyin, Kuaishou, Taobao and other channels can be integrated into the SCRM system, and gradually realize the all-channel integration of customer management, including information collection, customer touch & interaction, customer service, etc.
What does SCRM mean? Although the concept of SCRM has been popular for a long time, a new concept has to go through a complete development cycle from being proposed to being accepted by the market. Social CRM is the first of its kind in China. Wikipedia has not included it yet, but Baidu has established an entry since 2012 and updated it 37 times so far. If you search for "SCRM" on Google, the result pages are all Chinese pages.
What is a common SCRM? The SCRM we can see in the market now is basically "enterprise wechat" + "enterprise wechat's open ability" + "CRM's basic ability", with few exceptions.
And the enterprise wechat itself is naturally a SCRM. Enterprise wechat contact me (customer development), address book (customer pool), customer label (customer portrait), group assistant (marketing tool), customer circle of friends (customer interaction & brand promotion), customer inheritance (customer distribution), and so on these official capabilities, is not the CRM system to do things?
What is the difference between SCRM and CRM? Compared with CRM, SCRM's unique "customer touch" capability of "seamless connection with personal wechat" can be called the strongest touch point for domestic enterprises to connect with customers.
The one-way access methods of traditional CRM, such as phone calls, text messages, emails, etc., are not as good as the bilateral relationship and free, anytime free access methods of wechat friends.
The real SCRM landing solution in China is also brought up by the enterprise wechat. In the article "Talk about the traffic from the perspective of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs", the traffic status of the e-commerce industry is analyzed, and the urgent desire for the "private domain traffic" operation solution of the electricity commodity brand is introduced, as well as the difference between personal wechat and enterprise wechat. It is concluded that the SCRM market based on enterprise wechat will usher in a broad space for development.
What is the current status of SCRM? At present, the SCRM industry is still in the exploratory period, everyone is exploring, while educating the market, following the official vane of wechat, and jointly cultivating this ten-billion-level market.
The only uncertainty is the ability of wechat officials, policies and the degree of openness of the interface, but for now, everything is moving in a good direction.
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